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- The programs in LOADSTAR Briefs
- are:
- o [TITLE SCREEN VIEWER:] Use this to
- check out the title screen again.
- Now you can even print the screen!
- o [TEXT PRINTER:] Use this to print
- the text for any selected programs
- all at once, rather than
- individually.
- this (if your printer supports
- condensed printing) to print out a
- small, concise Table of Contents,
- suitable for insertion in the disk
- sleeve. It also prints the
- directory of any disk.
- [-------------------]
- Since there's a lot of loading
- going on when the title screen is
- showing, you can't easily capture it
- with Super SnapShot, Explode or other
- cartridges for grabbing pics. Run
- Title Screen Viewer and the picture
- will be shown without any loading
- taking place.
- [------------]
- You can print out the Read It
- file (the documentation) for any
- program by pressing P when you're
- reading the text -- OR you can use
- TEXT PRINTER to print out selected
- text files all at once.
- From the TEXT PRINTER menu you
- can:
- (1) Select File(s) from current dir
- (2) Print selected files
- (3) Quit to LS Briefs
- TEXT PRINTER has three printing
- formats: one 65-character column, two
- paper-saving 38-character columns, or
- three condensed 38-character columns,
- which save more paper, but will only
- work on Epson compatible printers.
- Pick your preferred mode of
- emphasis before selecting the style
- printout. Our text, which is written
- for 38-character screens, doesn't
- always format exactly in the
- 65-character mode.
- [-----------]
- This program will print a nice,
- tiny, two-column Table of Contents of
- whichever LOADSTAR (Side One) is in
- the drive. It will also print out a
- tiny, four-column directory of any
- disk. The default driver is for a
- Star NX-1000 series printer. Try it,
- and if it doesn't work properly, you
- can create a driver for your
- particular printer, as long as your
- printer supports the subscript mode,
- elite pitch, condensed mode, and x/72
- line spacing.
- To make a driver, choose the
- first option, "Create a printer
- driver", get your printer manual and
- enter the codes for the prompted
- modes. For the Star NX-1000 they are:
- Subscript Mode : 27 83 49
- Elite Pitch : 27 77
- Condensed Mode : 27 15
- Line Spacing 7/72" : 27 49
- Reset Printer : 27 64
- You may have to enter different
- numbers for your printer.
- Keep the LS disk in the drive
- while doing this so that your new
- driver can be saved. Once you have a
- working driver (in a file called
- "driver") you can substitute it for
- "driver" on any LOADSTAR disk that
- [--------------]
- You obviously do not need the
- ability to print out the Title
- Screen. But the TS Viewer function
- [is] quite useful when using the Save
- Screen Shot (on VICE).
- The Directory and Contents Print
- functions produce a nice, one sheet
- output when using VICEOut Reader. To
- prepare to "print" --
- * Press <Alt> and use the Windows
- arrow to Minimize VICE.
- * Boot VICEOut Reader, click Files >
- Open, and navigate to the folder
- where the LOADSTAR D81 resides. If a
- "viceprnt.out" file exists, click it
- once and press the <Delete> key to
- get rid of it -- otherwise VICE will
- just append the new printing onto the
- old file.
- * Press <Alt-Tab> to return to VICE,
- and run the Contents or Directory
- Printer. Answer <N> to the "CBM 1525
- etc" prompt. Continue the Print
- process.
- * When prompted to turn the printer
- on, press <Alt> and click on Settings
- > Device Settings, and check that
- Device 4, Printer, is enabled. Click
- OK.
- * Now press a key to start the
- printing.
- * When finished, Press <Alt-Tab> to
- return to VICEOut Reader. The
- "viceprnt.out" file should be
- visible. Double-click it to Open it
- to the Reader. You can Print out
- directly from VICEOut Reader, or Copy
- and Paste to your favorite word
- processor.